Do you LOVE the best of past
Powerliminals for masculine
Want to explore
more of ur untapped
masculine presence?
Introducing: Brand New
Guided Yang
Attunements 7/8!
7: Divine Masculine
Embodiment <> 8: Divine
Feminine Embodiment (for
Subscription Plan Available
>Order Below<
As men,
we've stopped giving
ourselves permission...permission
to be Prince's, Kings,
Warriors and Lovers. Thus;
women have lost a lot of
hope and inspiration in men.

Copyright New Line Cinema
We now live in a world where
100 millions of women have
taken on Princess as well as
Muse and Goddess impersonal
qualities of self.
The divine feminine HAS
risen..and her presence with
its oozing divine self
acceptance, sexual value and
high social status is
causing a LOT of
unworthiness and anxiety in
countless men.
What are men to do? How can
we start reclaiming the
qualities of masculine
'self' like
those of greatness and
nobility before us (and
without needing to be born
into a genetic lineage of
successorship) - to be
worthy to relate to such
powerful and beautiful women
as their equals?
This is also why I've
been called to create the Guided yang
attunement 7 and 8
Powerliminals (inspired
during the ayahuasca
experience): Divine
Embodiment for men.
"Thank you for this
offering. In terms of
quantity of material, depth,
quality and impact it is of
tremendous value, far more
than the (price) I paid.
In fact I can say
impact has been more
profound than even the
Immersion Party
- which was very profound in
its own right, so thank you.
... I've been going between
deep meditative sessions
with the lightworking codes
and playing in my earphones
at work, and the
impact has been immediate,
strong and ongoing.
I noticed a strong alignment
to my masculine "higher
truth," a solidness in my
being, and a desire to
challenge myself to be the
man I really want to
me....this "challenging"
aspect is particularly
exciting...I'm not accepting
second-rate behavior or
excuses from myself.
...Women notice. And
I'm at peace receiving that
-R.B., G7 customer
Enter a NEW path and
framework for authentic
evolution of masculine power
and presence.
Introducing elements of ur
unlimited IMPERSONAL self
that u have yet to fully
allow and embrace!
"Welcome to the future. Now we are entering the
realm of 'Lightworking
Magic' for faster authentic
transformation and energetic
of results."

G7/8 are LOADED with rich,
magical transformational
assets for u to use in
all kinds of different
ways to start experiencing
more divine masculine
presence and starpower.
"Listened to gya 7 prepmed1,
general DM embodiment and
King. Thank God.
Just what I need to be
bringing in at this time.
Can you get me in on
gya8 pls?"
- A G7 (now G8 too) customer
In addition to powerful
source resources for
divine embodiment
(like charismatic movie
stars) WITH a new
and empowered
Be one of
the first in the world to
experience our upgraded
platform technology of
Lightworking Codes (and
Crystal Alchemy)
*Access your clear, higher self;
bypass the 'denser'
human-based growth filters
for quantum new self
experience and results of
*Work from 'zero-ego' state
of direct connection to soul
and Source consciousness
*Condition your
foundational definition of
Self as light-body with
*'Download' eternal
impersonal divine
consciousness of
warriors, goddesses;
assimilating these otherwise
'out of touch' or 'unworthy'
qualities of IMMORTALS
as your own without having
to 'fake it'
Divine Transmissions into
your energetic body
beyond the limits of the
with the Lightworking Codes
Integration built in
*Start experiencing profound
new levels of awareness and
self-acceptance with Prince,
and other SP' for
breakneck speed
*Watch how your behavior,
sounds, voice and everything
starts changing
*Starting resonating
as 'one', coherent
with high status,
powerful, sexy
people b/c of this
leap your
self-love and
override years of
unworthiness and
disbelief (incl.
sexually with the
Lover SP)
*Experience congruent
behavioral shifts and
with more deep courage,
sexiness, confidence that
people will start noticing
about u..
*Shift your knowing of self
into the unlimited
*Open up unlimited
possibilities of self power,
charisma, attraction and
expression from here
forward...LIKE a
professional actor but in ur
daily life
Includes Divine
Transmissions with 85 TLC
techniques for deeper
Start experiencing this
and more for urself
and how it changes ur LIFE
with G7/8.
Even start living as ur
Godself King incarnate on
earth with greater, aligned
Order below
'Magic' is sometimes stated
as something we just aren't
aware of yet; like showing
an iPad to a caveman.
HOW is such transformational
sorcery possible that will
allow you to experience deep
masculine power, alignment
and embodiment? It
begins here with;
The Lightworking
Consider that your soul is
immaterial; literally
'Light'. And it's connected
to the greater field of
consciousness AS the
From this connection to all
source, we can literally
(now) allow and
'download' the
impersonalized power or
archetypal aggregate
consciousness of Kings,
Queens and channel or
'transmit' it into your soul
and embodied, expressed self.
G7/8 is about exploring your
far greater, more powerful
god and goddess self
incarnate in this world.
Because this energy
work and these transmissions
are coming from a Higher
truth, it allows the shadow
self and limitations,
anxieties to melt away into
ur true power.
Order below @

unlimited LIGHT and Love...but
it's the illusions and veils
that are keeping u from
OWNING and accepting,
shining in ur unlimited
power and glory LIKE the
gods, warriors, kings,
muses, divas and icons of
history and the present.
B/c I was resistant to
archetypes myself before;
this isn't about 'modeling'
alpha behavior or anything
like that (which I was never
in favor of).
It's all about
PRESENCE...what is being
communicated from the
embodiment of ur soul.
As I've mentioned before; it was the
ayahuasca experience that
brought me 'home' to my
light-bodied self and I
started literally
DOWNLOADING King and other
consciousness from the
impersonal field using tons
of Lightworking Codes.
"you've got the amazing ability to harmonize both the masculine in and
and so proud to be able to teach such a key quality for us all. I
was lucky to
have heard you share your experience and enlightenments of your
ceremonies. It
was so very moving and I felt so
extremely safe in your
presence. I
love recalling
your deep masculine moans..(archetypal qualities coming from higher
in ceremony; not from my ego-self)"
- An American woman who
knows me from Peru last
That recent experience in
Peru is literally what
inspired gya7 and gya8;
divine masculine and
feminine embodiment.
I admit that it seems kind
of out there too - until I
experienced it for myself
from this 'zero state' of
ego connected with my soul
to 'the grid' itself.
Here's me after receiving
Lightworking Code
transmissions (like u will
be getting in this program):

It's a far more mature,
masculine, protector quality
than normal. It gives a
grounded freedom for women
to be in a trusted, safe
environment to be free
(remember than, whatever
energies/currents are
running ie. sexual are
'there and present').
But that's the FUN of it; u
can explore different
aspects of yourself; parts
that u lost touch with or
haven't ever connected with
or expressed yet that ur
soul feels is part of the
real you...there are many
archetypes (sexiboi,
popstar, alpha male, etc.)
but G7 gets u started with
some major ones;
Lover, Warrior, LionHeart,
Father and Prince.
> Order Below
"I could (already) sense
energy from the codes in the
general (embodiment)
- G7 customer
Now; what are u getting when
u invest in these new
Although full access might
seem overwhelming at first
(there will be a PDF guide
to access); rest easy
knowing that I've built it
on an incredibly
user-friendly and new
infrastructure - which gives
you many ways to explore
using various components
with a valuation on
usability and results.
Examples of the DTR Divine
Transmission Receiving
Lightworking Codes

C6 (6th Chakra Honorable
Receiving for Psychic
Awakening as Lionhearted)

Priestess: Magic Alchemist
Energy Ball H/-Gun
(u get around 85
of these to help embody and
integrate divine

Cue Code P2: Prince;
Lips/Voice Respected
We do a LOT of chakra work
throughout the program.
Let go of and
diminish the needy,
narcissistic man-child,
tyrant, coward and weakling
while start experiencing
authentic divine masculine
eternal traits of
presence, authenticity and
charisma emanating from you.
Results that can take
decades of 'effort' from a
denser, non-Light/soul based
paradigm. All power exists
in the field of oneness and
we start to tap into that
direct now.
The courage and
power of a Lion exists b/c
it is connected to all

This isn't a bypass for
self; rather a real
exploration of untapped
divine power and
subjectivity to mix with who
u are now and to then
discover a more ultimate
balance of self as u ascend
into a 5th dimensional being...much of
which u might not have even
explored (including of
divine feminine
characteristics) b/c of the
STRONG filters and
attachments of self and
identity (incl. the social
programming and expectations
of others which can keep u
trapped for decades).
"I really love the new feels
connected and high
vibrational. Really
awesome; this will help a
lot of men!" -
T.N., Europe
Because of the power
involved esp. with the
Lightworking integration, we
rarely do anything over 5
minutes - and often, u might
find urself FRIED after just
5 minutes.
Check out these
Attunement 7
*General Divine Masculine
Embodiment [11:40]
*Sexy Chi Lightworking:
Prepmed1 [20:00]
*King Embodiment SP [5:00]
*Prince Embodiment SP [5:00]
*Warrior Embodiment SP
*Lover Embodiment SP [5:00]
*Father Embodiment SP [5:00]
*Lionheart Embodiment SP
And for EACH:
*Objective AND *Subjective
versions [5:00]
*Subjective [Divine]
Affirmationals [5:00 x 6]
*Lightworking versions
*Lightworking solo tracks
(from the
embodied-expressed self to
*Video (and photo) demos of
each of
your [85] Lightworking receiving positions
to integrate
(these will also be cued in
the Lightworking version in
addition to my energy work
already going on)
*Lover Mix (w/female audio)
Added for Lover, Lionheart
Attunement 8
*General Divine Feminine
Embodiment [11:43]
*Sexy Chi Lightworking:
Prepmed1 [20:00]
*Goddess SP [6:00]
*Queen SP [6:00]
*Muse SP [6:00]
*Priestess SP [6:00]
*W.A.R. Mixes for Goddess,
*AIRs [6:00]
*Lightworking versions
*Solo Lightworking tracks
*2 Secret Lightworking Codes
Techniques (to use with
your favorite divas)
*Video (and photo) demo of
each of
your Lightworking positions
to integrate
(these will also be cued in
the Lightworking version in
addition to my energy work
already going on)
Plus all future
video mixes (in HD)
> Order Below <
G8 is the next-level of
masculine transformation and
evolution. If relating to
powerful, beautiful sexy
people and THEIR connection
to source matters to you, g8
is for you.
This is about resonance in
oneness with great star
power and divine feminine
embodiment. It's a new path
like Western NG to relate to
powerful women as their
equal without anxieties so
they can see and know their
self-reflection (even
advancement) in you.
G8 as a
resource (with divine
support) can do a lot of the
transformation but what
level of results will vary
from one person to the next.
More direct work with Rion
or deeper releasing to be a
vessel is always another
exploratory option @ his
active rates or a package.
What if investing in G7/8 only increased
your princeliness,
lionheartedness and sex
appeal by only 15%? How
dramatically could that
change your life and how
others perceive you or the
quality of your attraction
and relationships?
Would that be worth this
small investment?
Remember that you do get the
full 90 days karma-free
credit/refund. I might
change it in the future
(although not for past
customers) b/c of the energ
work involved.
Order G7/8 Below
Is this related to
Qigong/Chi Kung?
We're doing a mix of QiGong
and TLC in the general
embodiment exercises. But I
feel that this is more relevant than
QiGong to us b/c QiGong has
a value system of health,
vitality and wellness; not
embodying eternal greatness
like legends of yore or
living out the powerful
charisma and freedom that ur
true soul expression
The Lightworking Codes
allows me (and others who
get trained in it), to
DIRECT the energy and move
it with a PERFORMANCE,
transformation and
valuation of godself.
It's about embracing ur
power as a star without
having to be famous.
With that said; I can't
promise what results u will
get. It sounds like there
are big expectations with
this - There kinda are.
But I've seen the results
and impact my energy work
has on others (as I've been
preparing myself as
Lightworker to the Stars) -
and how, within minutes,
often a decade of work can
be done by working
energetically including
anti-aging someone 15 years
in 15 minutes (with
Start exploring and
experiencing your TRUE,
unhinged and eternal
masculine power and self
with G7/8!
Order These
New Powerliminals Here:
Guided Yang
Attunements 7 'n 8!
Get BOTH for

Get ur choice
of '1'
for $497 Here:
Make 6
Payments via
for $167
for both

With inaugural access
available and more being
added; I am in contact with
all customers - u can dive into the